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Showing posts from March, 2022

How To Process And Harvest Raw Cashew Nuts?

  Because of their incredible taste and therapeutic properties, Raw Cashew nuts are nearly everyone's favorite superfood. Have you ever wondered where our all-time favorite superfood comes from? Origin Of Cashew Nuts In India- Cashew nuts date back to the mid-fifteenth century in India. For the first time, the Portuguese were the ones to introduce the Raw Cashew nuts in India. Following that, the nut responded to its new geography and climate. Later on, Indians discovered that cashew nuts also have significant therapeutic benefits. Because of nuts' medicinal properties, cashews got introduced to Southeast Asia and Africa in the second half of the 16th century. Today, many cultures and civilizations rely on cashew seeds as a food source and as a source of trade as well. However, processing and harvesting cashew nut is one of the most challenging tasks. Because the cashew tree has a toxin known as Urushiol, present in the cashew apple that can cause dermatitis. Hence it is cruci