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How To Process And Harvest Raw Cashew Nuts?

  Because of their incredible taste and therapeutic properties, Raw Cashew nuts are nearly everyone's favorite superfood. Have you ever wondered where our all-time favorite superfood comes from? Origin Of Cashew Nuts In India- Cashew nuts date back to the mid-fifteenth century in India. For the first time, the Portuguese were the ones to introduce the Raw Cashew nuts in India. Following that, the nut responded to its new geography and climate. Later on, Indians discovered that cashew nuts also have significant therapeutic benefits. Because of nuts' medicinal properties, cashews got introduced to Southeast Asia and Africa in the second half of the 16th century. Today, many cultures and civilizations rely on cashew seeds as a food source and as a source of trade as well. However, processing and harvesting cashew nut is one of the most challenging tasks. Because the cashew tree has a toxin known as Urushiol, present in the cashew apple that can cause dermatitis. Hence it is cruci

Basic uses of Raw Cashew Nuts & its benefits

  Cashew nut   are a universal favorite. It's a popular nut that can be used for a variety of purposes. It’s convenient to keep it in your pocket and have it while you’re hungry because the fat content in it makes you fuller for longer and prevents you from snacking on unhealthy refined foods. Raw cashews are just raw. There are no preservatives or contaminants in this product. We are a leading Raw Cashew nuts manufacturers in India . You should eat our raw cashews with confidence since they are entirely natural,delicious&nutritious. If you're wanting a snack, there are several explanations why you should choose cashews over fast food. Why Raw cashews? We concentrate on raw cashew nuts because of their incredible health benefits. Calcium/copper/phosphorus/magnesium/potassium&zinc are also contained in raw cashews. They are both high in vitamin B&C. From a nutritional standpoint, raw cashews are healthy to eat. It contains Oleic acid, a stable monounsaturated

Raw Cashew nuts: Is it better to eat raw cashews or roasted?

  Cashews are a delicious and nutritious nut. According to studies, one should eat two ounces of nuts a week to help lower cholesterol, improve cardiovascular health, and improve blood vessel function. But when you see raw cashews and dried roasted cashews on the shelves at the supermarket, you can be perplexed. You're still curious which one is better for your fitness. Although all varieties of cashews have many health advantages, raw cashews are marginally superior because they are unaltered and retain all of their natural minerals & nutrients. We are leading Raw Cashew nuts Suppliers in India . Each ounce of either cashew contains 160 calories, the majority of which are obtained from unsaturated healthy fats. Also, it has 70% copper you can eat in a single day. Copper aids in the health of nerve activity. Most notably, they supply 20% of the total magnesium that men need&25% that women need. Magnesium boosts the body's energy efficiency&enhances muscle funct

Raw vs Roasted cashew: Which is more healthy?

  Raw Cashew nuts are healthy members of the nut family. Theoretically, cashew  is not a  nut but a seed harvested from a  cashew  apple . In comparison to the common misconception that it can make you gain fat, a substantial amount of cashews in your diet can give you multiple health benefits. It is said that a handful of cashews can be really good for your health as it has sufficient amounts of phosphorus, manganese, copper, and magnesium.  Research shows  a person should consume 2ounce of nuts per week to have its amazing benefits. This blog contrasts raw cashew &roasted cashew and takes a closer look at which type is healthier. Buy these nuts, from experienced Raw Cashew nuts suppliers in India . Nutrients in Raw& Roasted cashews In common : An ounce of either cashew contains 160 calories which come from unsaturated healthy fats and also provides 70% of the copper you are required to eat in one day. Copper helps to support the well-being of nerve activity. They

Understanding about Health benefits of Raw Cashew nuts

  Everybody likes to eat Cashew nuts. Most children prefer eating them over other nuts. We're here with some of the reasons to make cashew nuts a part of your daily or weekly diet:   #1. Raw Cashew nut helps you to get a healthy heart. Cashews contain monounsaturated fats in abundance. These fast are need to reduce the level of lower LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) and increase the level of HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol). These nuts lower blood pressure and do not allow plaque to form in artery walls, and help reduce triglyceride levels, which all function together to save you from heart diseases.    #2. Improves blood health. Copper deficiency can cause anemia, a health condition where the red blood cell count of a person becomes low. One serving of cashews contains a lot of copper and some iron, that help to form new RBCs and utilize them effectively.    #3. Controls weight. According to a study, frequent consumption of nuts helps you to reduce weight. That does